2024-09: Montreal

There was a bit more of a break between this and the last trip, during which I may have focused on various non-photography things. I had tried to go out with my DSLR in NYC (at this rate I’ll get that album out next year lol), but sort of grew weary of the standard city shots. To be frank, I took a lot of city shots on this expedition, and Montreal is a beautiful & photogenic city. But only by getting a little experimental with the crops could I feel like I got something worth sharing.

Anyways, enough prelude, here’s the photos. I had to modify my blog’s code to properly handle images this tall/wide lol


An angular concrete building with rectangular tiles and a moire-like rebar pattern looms over a sparse lot of aging road equipment.
Another attempt at a "traffic cone" composition. Looks much better cropped in like this for the angles imo


Various up-scale cubic-inspired glass apartment buildings create interesting patterns with their balconies and varying shades of blue tinted glass contrasted against gray paneling. A single old-style light pole pokes out on the right.
Neat view. Again, crop made this was better, able to focus on just the interesting part of the image (all the blockiness)


A squid with a speech bubble saying "Fuck Condos" is graffitied on the bottom of the bridge, above much other graffiti on the wall of the far bank, both sitting below various condiminium complexes.
This image is scrollable! Just thought this view was funny :) Had plenty of time to take in this part of town, walking along the docks. Seems to be gentrifying.

Industrial Tower

A white, rusting tower, mostly made of empty space between steel crossbeams & piping, is reflected over the concrete pier it sits on to the smooth, barely wavy water
My second favorite (but most people's first favorite?), only diminished in my eyes because it's a bit too tall. Still, very fun reflection in the water, and I am a sucker for industrial-looking stuff

River & Bridge

A perfectly symmetrical black bridge, with a tall spire in the middle and two smaller supports on either side, connects two islands over a uniformly choppy dark cyan river.
By far my favorite photo of the trip. Walking across this bridge I knew I had to get it perfectly lined up, and I'm so glad I did because I think it turned out really well

Yep, another all-iPhone 11 Pro Max one… And so is the next one probably… I swear I’m going to upgrade cameras eventually, it’s simply too darn easy to point-n-shoot with this thing tho!!