
Welcome to my photography page! These are some photo collections I've put together, in reverse-chronological order.

2024: Up & To The Right

The lines can only go up.

2024: NYC

A collection of some of the best photos I took in NYC this year.

2024: Empire State Building

A small collection based on Joel Meyerowitz's Empire State that I happened to find at a museum.

2024-09: Montreal

I took some photos during a work trip to Montreal, and got a little experimental with crops.

2024-10: Rochester

I visited a friend in a college town & took some photos.

2024-06: London

A continuation of my amateur iPhone photography, in a city with tricky lighting.

2024-05: Chicago

Somewhat a return to photography for me, after lots of false starts.

Fall 2022: Digital Photography I

These are assignments I did for 62-142 at CMU my senior year, taught by [Dylan Vitone]( Really fun class, my peers had _even better_ photos which was really cool to see.