Summer of 2024, I received a fancy DSLR from my dad, as well as two lenses to go along with it. I was really excited to go use it right away and then… I got covid. I took a few pics with it mid-July once I had recovered, and then… I got covid again. And then more stuff happened, and I got covid a third time, which is all just a big excuse for why I only did the two weekends with the DSLR in New York City instead of more, with the rest being scattered shots on iPhone.
Still, even in those few weekends, I got a lot of good shots. So many, in fact, that I’ll be releasing two other, more “thematic” collections after this one. In some sense, these are the dregs, but in another sense, these photos are the very best I took in the city this year. Please enjoy.
Heal Me

Under Construction

A Reminder Of Where You Are

Rooftop Garden

It's Art

Call Box

I’m not 100% satisfied with these photos. They’re pretty good, don’t get me wrong, but “pretty good” is not good enough for what I want to do with a camera. I’ve seen what some pros can do, and boy howdy I wanna start doing that too.
I’m definitely still learning the lessons I got from Dylan Vitone’s Digital Photography I class, in the Fall of 2022. I have a feeling I won’t ever stop learning those lessons. Here’s to another year of learning photography.