Fall 2022 Assignment 2: Artificial Light and Post-Post-Modernism

My second photography assignment! I was kinda super inspired for this one, this is one of my more unique pieces.

Beginning of the Hero's Journey

Shooting studio with a small table dispenser on a large black table. A slumped figure is cropped off to the side
Nikon D300 50mm

Leaving the Known

Underpass illuminated by fluorescent lights in the middle of the day. An empty pool is visible though the tunnel.
Nikon D300 50mm

One Last Look Back

A tripod with a camera rests on a slanted hill with a blue backpack beneath it. The sky and trees and grass are vibrant.
iPhone 11 Pro Max 1x zoom. I'm not too happy with the photoshop on this one, but I have to leave it in for the sequencing I think, class liked it better with

A Leap Of Faith

Empty pool from before, now fully visible above a black chain link fence. On the right of the fence there is a vandalized "no trespassing" sign, and on the left there is someone's arm and leg cropped off scaling the fence.
Nikon D300 50mm. This shot was taken from the previous angle lol


A ghostly figure lies face-down next to a yellow concrete wall at night.
Nikon D300 50mm. Long exposure, I laid down halfway through the timer

More Death

Mixed light of a green fluorescent bulb and an orange sodium lamp create distinct shapes on the ground in a slope leading out of a parking lot. In the bottom corner, a hand lies face-up (cropped off)
Nikon D300 50mm. Slightly long exposure, on a timer

At Peace With It

Illuminated stairway of a modern building leaks out through large glass windows. In the bottom corner of the image there is a ghostly figure lying in the road, and in the top corner there is a stoplight turned green.
Nikon D300 50mm. Long exposure, some photoshop to get things just right

Can’t believe I was feeling the effects of burnout so soon into the semester
