
I highly recommend having some. I pretty miserable at putting myself out there to meet new friends, but once I find people with common interests and compatible personalities, I think we can hit it off fast. Maybe that’s my imagination, but the making a lot of friends part isn’t. Throughout nearly all of high school, I’ve had one cadre of 4 other really close friends. Today, we all met together at one of the group’s house for a small school-is-done party, complete with live-streaming sandwich making, playing Frisbee, Minecraft, and Monopoly. Really fun!

Friendships, like anything else, I think, take time. It takes time to learn how to make friends, and it takes investment of time to keep friends. Unfortunately I’ve slacked off on the first (already having good friends) and haven’t put as much time into side-friendships as I should have (again, due to a group of already amazing friends). My general strategy going into college is this: keep in touch with all of my best friends and some other good friends, join a lot of clubs and activities, and just meet as many people as I can under circumstances where we can just do stuff together with no pressure to be friends and hopefully by virtue of just time spent together talking about stuff something will develop. Very hazy, I know, but what can I do? Spend the summer trying to make friends with people that I won’t be seeing ever again? I don’t know how best to make friends yet (although I’ve gotten a lot of good advice), so we’ll see what happens. Later.

Ah yes here’s the paragraph where I talk about the 3D thing you aren’t quite sure exists anymore due to how long I’ve been putting off showing a picture of it. Well I spent so long at the party today I didn’t have time to take a picture when I got home. AND I forgot to do that in the morning rush. So there. I promise it’s really cool, maybe not worth this much wait but still cool nonetheless. See ya tomorrow.