Another story about trying

Hey I felt better today. Had a wacko dream but hey no more constant weakness. I even biked over to gamestop to pick up an Xbox controller, that was fun. Anyways yeah cool day, weather was perfect, spent some time outside with the dogs in the cool summer breeze, at the pool eating $3.50 hamburgers with my sister, and inside cleaning my desk. The desk is still cluttered but much less so. The pencil holder 3D thingy (yes that’s what that was) coming in clutch.

Art Hour (9:00-10:00 most nights) was disrupted by my sister’s dance recital (she was awesome, wouldn’t have missed it), but I thought I would make up for it my transcribing a few notes from one of my favorite songs in the 15 minutes I had remaining. Turns out no, my musical ability is super rusty. Even at my (still quite low) prime, I probably wouldn’t have made more progress. That is, to say, zero. I started out with the background chords, realized I don’t know any chords except for the standard major/minor 5th (where you press the 1,3,5 keys, is that right?), which these complicated ones were not. I then moved on to trying to decipher the melody. It should’ve been easy, there appeared to be only 3 notes, all within 1 whole step of each other, but even finding the “base” note was beyond me. In conclusion, I was woefully underprepared. Guess I’ll take another shot at it tomorrow and/or ask my friend for help.