Father's Day

My dad is pretty awesome, not gonna lie. He works hard, imparts good life advice, is always patient with us rambunctious kids, and just is a great person. I hope my family was able to provide a good enough father’s day to keep up with his awesomeness. Me and my brother helped with fixing the TV sound setup downstairs and cleaning the old junk, we had lunch together while out shopping for electronics supplies, we watched the original “Mission Impossible” after we were done, and then we went to his favorite Indian restaurant for dinner. Then ice cream afterwards.

All around, a pretty productive and fun day spent entirely together. He seemed happy, but also kind of sad at times. Was he realizing that this summer will most likely be the last spent like this? Did he wish he could be doing other things but was too polite to say it? I don’t know. The first is definitely what’s sad about this summer to me, and the second is definitely within his nature. In any case, I should probably help finish mounting the TV tomorrow (we bought a new mount for the downstairs one). He deserves this kind of attention every day, as does every kind and loving father.