Scanning cards

My morning got off to a rough start. I was very lazy and wasted a lot of time on my computer instead of doing anything productive. I’ll try and remember how this feels and do better tomorrow.

Part of the reason why I couldn’t focus was I was having friends over. Around 4:30 my favorite ground came over to help digitize our common card collection. Called 1KBWC, it’s a really fun game we’ve had going since Junior year of HS. We recently hit the thousand card milestone recently with the help of the rest of our club members (we were the founders). Anyways yeah we had this whole setup going, digital scanner going, green screen for pencil cards that didn’t scan well, sorting by who made the card, the whole shebang. We plan to host a MediaWiki server with all cards in picture form along with tags for who made them and maybe categories of cards. We also did other things, like eat pizza and play Puyo Puyo Tetris (that’s another post), but the gathering was focused around card digitization. Which was good because we’d been talking about it for a while and needed an excuse both to get together again and to accomplish that task.

All in all, another fantastic summer day, non-ruined by rain.