Streaming Art

Eh I missed a post again, whops.

Anyways so yeah I’ve been streaming art the past couple of days very regularly. Most of the time I get my friend on in there, and we have a blast chatting, but for the past 2 nights in a row somehow I’ve had a new random dude jump in chat. I advertise my stream as a “chill stream” like 90% of the other streams on the platform, and somehow these guys chose me to converse with. I don’t know why; it can’t be the art quality, even those both seemed to be pleased with it; it can’t be my setup, the thumbnail isn’t amazing most of the time I don’t think. But I pride myself on audience interaction so I guess they stay around and even follow.

All of this is very nice for one big reason: having someone to talk to while I do art is very motivating. It a habit now, if I don’t have someone looking on then it just becomes boring. When I’m reading chat I can let my mind wander to other things besides how bad I think my art is (pretty bad, which it isn’t compared to professionals although pretty good compared to where I started out (I’m not done improving yet, though, my goal is to be able to quickly draw relatively high quality fan art like the more popular artists I see)). That puts me in a state of flow, or zen, or whatever you want to call it where your mind is able to focus on the task at hand without even considering outside distractions. Checking chat is just part of that flow for me now I guess. Cool.