Being rushed

I don’t really like it. Other people sometimes do better under pressure, but not me. I like to do things at my own pace, way in advance, so I’m fully ready when the time comes.

Which is odd when paired with another of my tendencies: to be terrible and managing long-term deadlines. If it’s not in the next week and/or I don’t care about it, it won’t get done until I’m prodded. I consciously try to counteract that because it’s a bad habit.

With deadlines I do care about, however, I get stuff done right away, early like mentioned earlier. Like in Thunderbird, I do now have a calendar to keep track of the stuff I don’t care about, and I try to check it daily. We’ll see how that works out in college.

Oh also I got terrible course scheduling for college, I did it way to late so all the good time slots were filled, shoot. I was bad with managing that deadline, I really shouldn’t have been…