Staying up late (again)

So one reason I haven’t been posting as often is that I’ve kinda fallen out of the routine of it. Why? Because my daily routine has changed.

Recently, I’ve been streaming art for longer, and starting later, pushing logoff time to 10:30PM to even 11:30PM. This is not good. The reason for going longer is obvious: the 1 hour limit I was struggling to hit earlier is now a breeze because I feel comfortable doing art for longer now. The reason for starting later is less obvious: my sister and I now watch anime together every night, cutting in to the 9PM start I aim for. As a result, I feel less inclined than before to stay up later thinking and writing “deep” thoughts on my phone like I used to just a few weeks ago.

I love summer in all the freedom of time it provides, but I really need to get my sleep schedule back of track.