Going to College

Hey so sorry I haven’t posted lately. There’s been a lot on my mind but as usual I’ve been too lazy and out of habit to write any of it down here. So here’s a few snippets of recent thoughts before I head into the main topic:

  • I got my custom allocator to work, and submitted the resulting program to CodeGolf.stackexchange.com for a sweet-ish +60 rep
  • I did a little PicoCTF as warmup for (hopefully) meeting the Plaid Parliament of Pwning @ orientation week
  • 8chan in the news over being shut down, I think it’s sort of scary that free speech can be suppressed on the internet but at the same time find it totally justifiable to kick them off. Main thought: “No one is entitled to let you use their property (servers) to express hateful speech that would be prosecuted even in a public space.”
  • I’m walking a neighbor’s dog while they’re on vacation, a golden retriever that is on the down slope of aging and very needy with wanting to sniff.

So now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on to what I think about going to college: I just want to get it over with. The last thing I wanted with this whole process was some sort of limbo where I feel like half there and half here. I would have preferred to do it in one day, like snap and I go from being here and comfortable to being there and not exactly comfortable but getting used to the place. I know that sounds silly but one can hope. Instead, the feeling of “last time I’ll do this for a while” just keeps lingering and lingering and it’s hard to stand it, so I just avoid thinking about it like a dumbbutt. I still need to pack a few things, most notably all the stuff I love on my desk. And even when that’s away it’ll still be a few days until I’m actually fully unpacking it.

Dang nabbit I just want to be there already. I want to think about making friends and walking to classes and having lunch and living in my own instead of packing and photocopying forms and yeckh this is a total #whitepersonproblen because a whole load of people would kill to go to this college and have to opportunities I have, and instead I’m complaining about it like a looser. I just want to be there already. That’s too much to ask.