Blog is now on Hakyll

Hi! This site looks a little different how. Just for fun, I’d thought I’d move away from Wordpress (MySQL is very slow and PHP is not a great language and also Wordpress itself has a bunch of vulnerabilities) and towards a static site.

As you may have guessed from the title of this post, I’m using a system called Hakyll to make it. Hakyll is written in Haskell which is one of the worst language’s I’ve had the pleasure of working with. It was a challenge to get the tags section customizable, among many other issues I had with learning Haskell in general.

Also, I’m still doing art! I have improved a lot but still not enough to the point where I’d feel comfortable cross-posting to something else here. Maybe one day I’ll muster up the courage to put some of my figure drawings here.

Oh yeah also Coronavirus, crazy right? Don’t worry I’ll have a post about that soon.