Finally, More Time

What am I going to do with myself?

Finally, the Winter semester has ended, and I finally have time to do non-school activities!

I have a couple things planned:

  • Work on contributing the FCN model for Currently, I am installing ONNX and ONNXRuntime which has proved a bit harder than pip install onnx onnxruntime for various reasons, unfortunately.
  • Do some art! Daily practice is the plan. I found some warmup routines to do, which includes a lot more gesture drawings than I was comfortable with but I think it has already made me a bit better
    • Part of this will be to make some personal art, and part will also be to make some art for AAC’s Secret Santa art exchange.
  • Walk my dogs
  • Practice Skullgirls?
  • Other AI reading/programming stuff as it comes up

Wait I don’t see any Aerospace on that list…

Yeah, and not just because I forgot to mention it. As a consequence for accepting another internship for the upcoming summer, I am no longer allowed to work for Aerospace during the school year. This kinda sucks, because I was having a great time there getting to do cool AI research. I hope the next internship (which I will elaborate on more in a later post) will be as good.

I mostly accepted the other offer because I wanted to explore more. The obscene amounts of money had little to do with it (although that is a nice perk). I am under a confidentiality agreement on the exact amount, but it definitely exceeded by expectation for intern pay, even for a California-based company.

Other notable updates:

  • Might get my first B in college due to getting consistent B’s on 21-355 exams. Although maybe not? Depends on whether the exams are out of 115 or 100 points.
  • I have been compiling pandoc on the machine hosting this blog for almost 2 full days now. It is still not done and probably won’t be for another 2 days at this rate. Fun!
  • Friends have organized a modded Minecraft server known as JEFFREY, which is pretty fun even though I am not very good at Minecraft.