Last Post of Winter Break!

Wow I can’t believe winter break is over! And yet at the same time, I can’t believe it was so long.

I’ve moved into my new university apartment faily close to campus and am writing this post from my trusty laptop in the now-designated computer room. Due to the de-densifying policy CMU has adopted, because this was a 3 person apartment that 2 people inhabited last semester, I am the only one in it this time around.

It’s pretty nice, having the space for 3 people all to myself. I don’t feel cramped at all (unlike the last place, smaller than just this room and I had a roommate!).

COVID is still putting a damper on meeting people, though. There’s a mandatory 14-day “quarantine” where all classes will be online and extra-dorm activities will be limited to exercise and grocery runs so long as you stay on the CMU campus. Not even seeing anyone in-person outside of people on your floor, and even then it has to be outdoors + with masks!

All told though, I’m very lucky given the circumstances. No sickness, good setup (thanks Mom and Dad for helping me move in; you guys were awesome and I couldn’t have done it without you) and 100% prepared for classes.

See y’all in a couple weeks, by which time I may or may not be overwhelmed with classes! We’ll see.