Spring '21 Semester Almost Over??

Wow that was fast! I can’t believe that in just another week, all my classes will have finished their lecture series and, with the exception of one class, all my final projects will be turned in and done with. After that, I’ll have an entire week to just relax before I pack up and move home for my remote internship.

It’s a little early to do a semester post-mortem, but there are some things I would like to comment on now before my probable series that comes out truly after-the-fact:

  • Despite a less crazy school and work schedule, I still didn’t feel like I had enough time to do all the projects I wanted. With the exception of Februrary, I did very little art or personal programming projects. I’m not sure if this was not having time (what it felt like) or just not making time.
  • I did well in all my classes. Perfect GPA maintained (sunglasses emoji).
  • Could’ve done better, but I maintained a good workout schedule.
  • Could’ve done much better, but I was able to see friends often, especially with Frisbee practice becoming a regular thing.

Oh yeah and it was my birthday the other day too (: Family came, and it was nice to see them again for a little bit, and I’ll see them again soon.