So I Have A Pacemaker Now

Recently, I was admitted to the hospital because I felt my heart start to beat wrong, and it turns out I was right: a combination of skipped beats and lowering heart rate led to low blood pressure and led to me almost fainting while still lying down (in the hospital bed)! The doctors gave me something to temporarily raise my heart rate so I didn’t black out on the spot, and within the hour I was scheduled for surgery.

Fortunately, the surgery was a huge success and I was discharged the next day (!!!). I can’t be thankful enough towards the entire cardiac team for making it go as smoothly as it did. I’m still recovering & the doctor’s orders are to not exercise for the next few weeks and stay in the area until the follow-up appointment. While I’m peeved at the change in schedule (not being able to go back to college as soon), I’m just grateful to still be here, with my family, even having the possibility of full recovery.

Another fortunate thing is while this happened during my Facebook internship, it was the last week and I already had all my tasks done. My manager was very understanding and let me take as much sick time as I needed. I’m thankful to everyone on my team there as well, for getting me through the internship and making it a good experience even with that hiccup at the end.

TL;DR I’m fine and won’t die, thanks everyone!