So It Was Actually Lyme Disease

So as I mentioned two posts ago, I had a pacemaker put in. Initially, the doctors thought it was “Athletic Heart Syndrome” but that didn’t really make any sense since I don’t work out that much. They put in a lab for Lyme Disease which came back positive.

This makes a lot more sense, since I do regularly go for walks and runs in a wooded area with known deer. I guess a tick bit me and I never noticed.

The strangest part is that I didn’t get any of the other usual symptoms of Lyme, just Lyme Carditis.

The other symptoms also have a much higher prevalence than Carditis, so the doctors figured I was very unlucky to have it strike like this but very lucky to have it be caught in time.

I’m taking IV antibiotics for the next weeks, right up until August 27th, switching to oral antibiotics provided my condition improves. I have a semi-permanent IV in my arm called a PICC line to allow me to take the antibiotics at home, and after that I’ll be fully cleared to go back to exercise!

I can’t wait to finally be better and really hope this works.