Wow, what a month. I’m back at college, and was very much immediately thrust into all sorts of activities as school started. The rare occasion of 1) remembering the blog and 2) having time to update it has finally come to pass, so here we are: A List Of All Memorable Things That Have Happened
I Messed Up My Knee(s)
The first gym workout back. The warm-up set of squats. I went too low and injured my left patellar tendon (the one on the front of the knee). Not knowing the severity at the time, I rested it off for a week. Then went for a run and messed it up again. Then waited another week to see a nurse who said “ya you shouldn’t be doing anything rn kiddo”.
As an added bonus, my right knee now has similar symptoms because any time I needed to do a squat-like motion in daily life, I just did a single-leg squat with it. So now both knees are out of comission for a while. This sucks a lot because…
Frisbee Is Back
And I made the B team! I was hoping to make the A team this year, but injury and also the fact that there are many people better than I means I’ll be on the more relaxing team again. This isn’t a terrible thing, I just wish I wasn’t injured so I could put more time into it.
I’m a Club Officer Now??
I forget if I’ve mentioned this before, but for Artist Alley Club, I am officially the “Tech Chair” in charge of technical matters like organizing the Google Drive and setting up bots in the Discord. Very chill, running the activities is fun. Oh yeah here’s that art I promised earlier:

Looking For Research
If you are a professor I emailed while looking for research and you found this blog, hi! Hope it isn’t too messy :)
So basically, I have a return offer for Facebook next summer, but I would prefer to do research at CMU if at all possible. I’m doing a research-ish project for 10-417 this semester, and should be able to make time this Spring to do research if things don’t work out for the summer.
I Am Still Bad At Fighting Games
I bought Guilty Gear Strive for PC, and boy am I just getting my butt handed to me by other players. There is a Fighting Game Community (FGC) at CMU, and when I showed up to a local I was by far the worst player there. I really want to like these games, but man is it fustrating to lose over and over and not really know what to do about it besides “play more and maybe the instincts will come”.
Using a New Shell
I’m trying out Nu Shell on Windows as my default shell, and so far it’s going pretty well. The only hiccup I’ve encountered so far is that Python virtual environments don’t work too well in it, since they rely on Batch files to set up environment variables and Nu isn’t compatible with that. Other than that, it has good tab complete and simple Git integration, worth seeing where it goes. I’m just happy to have another shell rn lol
Ok phew that was all the stuff I wanted to talk about. Sorry it’s a little too self-centered, but I guess that’s what a blog is supposed to be anyways. Until next time!