Made it to Finals Week!

As I sit here, the day after a hectic final week of classes and 2 days before finals week proper, I start to reflect on just how much has happened this Fall 2021 semester. I accepted Facebook’s return internship offer, signed a lease for next year’s apartment, saw my family for Thanksgiving, achieved a 2-plate bench, and besides that…

Hm. I guess I have been focusing on school a bit too much. The past semesters have been like this as well; I hardly have time to hang out with friends, let alone work on cool projects.

I’m probably also being impacted by burnout right now. Because no assignments could be due the Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving, all assignments were due on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. Thanks to not working over break (which I needed), I had to grind hard this week (which I didn’t need). In the end, I made it through, turned everything in while maintaining my usual quality, but at the cost of just not wanting to work on anything for a while.

There are still finals on Monday and Tuesday though, so I’m spending today to just recover and will spend Sunday doing whatever review I need to do. These aren’t finals I can just cruise through, so I am still a bit stressed about, and more stress is the exact opposite of what I need right now.

Despite all of this, I actually do have something I’d like to show! My Deep Learning Research Project, which I’ve back-dated to the day it was due. There’s more details in the post itself, go check it out!