I'm In New York!

How Did I Get Here

As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m interning for Meta (formerly Facebook) this summer. There was a location selection process, and I ended up choosing + getting assigned to New York City (east coast baby!). Unlike last summer, which was entirely remote, this internship is in-person so I’m getting flown out to, having housing provided for, and paid to live in The Big Apple. (getting very spoiled i know)

How Was The Flight

Fairly standard, exiting LGA was pretty quick (although I’ve heard not great things about getting in). Taking a Lyft from the airport wasn’t bad either.

Things I’m Looking Forward Too

I’ve never lived in as big of or as famous of a city as New York (understandably, since few cities besides it can claim such a status). While I’m here for a full 12 weeks, I’d like to be able to visit a good number of museums, eat at some famous restaurants and some local restaurants, see a Broadway show, and overall just enjoy all the other activities going on.

The place I’m staying is right next to Central Park (2-3 blocks iirc) which is pretty epic ngl, I’ll likely be spending a lot of time there. The “long-stay hotel” also has some good amenities I hope to enjoy.

Things I’m Concerned About

It looks like I will need to commute to work, so taking the subway regularly will be a first for me.

Tech pickup also has a tight window, I think I can make it in time, they should be fairly lenient regardless.

Overall, it’s pretty exciting to be in Da Big City, looking forward to my first week!