First Job Secured!

I have some big news: just signed my first job offer!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats! Where Are You Going?

Starting this summer, I’ll be working for Roam, a very small startup, doing Software Engineering of sorts.

What Does Roam Do?

Best way I can think of describing it is “a tool that makes a remote office that works”. Basically, actual virtual presence without any weird VR stuff.

I also wasn’t entirely convinced until I tried out their demo, and then I was hooked, really something you have to experience to believe.

How Did You Find Out About Them?

Professional Network. Super lucky to have already met one of their engineers and their CEO beforehand, and again lucky enough for my skills in “trying out just about anything computer” being a good fit for what they were looking for.

And seriously, I’m super excited to be working here, lots of great engineers to learn from and never-ending stream of interesting projects ahead. Looking forward to the summer!