More Photography!

I haven’t been active on this blog much, but I have been very active at work! One consequence of that is I’ve gone on a few work trips, and the inspiration from those trips compelled me to start taking artsy photos again, so here I am! My photography page has been updated with these trips, to Chicago and London respectively. I’m fairly proud of myself for getting back into it at all, and with a borrowed camera from my dad (thanks, Dad!) I can hopefully keep this hobby up even longer.

In other neat news, I have started to learn Japanese! I’ve memorized the basic hiragana and katakana alphabets and am starting to learn Kanji thru WaniKani. It’s pretty slow going, but that is how I learn best I think, thru routine-building. Still very early so we’ll see how this goes.

In less good news, I have contracted COVID-19 for a second time :(((( This time around was hopefully not from any family members (that would be bad!) but from some other transit/event. Still recovering, but honestly working on this blog is low-effort enough and I am bored & needed something to do so this is good :P

That’s all for now, hopefully I will have another update before 3 months have passed again!