More Photography Updates (and RSS)

Hello again! I promise this will be the last time I announce a photography collection here: 2024: Empire State Building and 2024: Up & To The Right are my latest sets as mentioned in my previous post. I’m particularly proud of the latter, please check it out if you have time!

Also no, I’m not quitting taking photos or anything like that. It’s just because I’ve finally set up an RSS feed for my photography! Previously, I was worried people might miss when I released those unless I updated here, but now that I have RSS set up for it, any new photography collections I release will show up under the photography feed.

Speaking of RSS, I also did a little digging and found my surfacing of it in my page’s metadata was sorely lacking. I was only advertising it on my main page, not on any of the blog posts themselves, so people wanting to quickly add my site into their feed reader may have been out-of-luck. No longer! I’ve been using RSS a lot more myself recently, so I’m more attuned to things like this now. Most peoples’ sites actually have pretty good RSS support turns out!! You should use RSS, it is excellent, also subscribe to my blog with it :) kthxbye