Being tired

Oh boy am I tired right now. I can’t remember the last time I was this exhausted; it was probably during wrestling season sometime. I might have heat stroke, I don’t really know

The thing is, my “normal” tired is the tired you’d feel after you first wake up, that thing where you kind of want to go to sleep but your brain (if it’s unaddled enough) tells you that a little bit of movement will shake it off. I feel that in school all the time, sluggish a little bit but overall once engaged in something I’ll feel awake.

Not now. Now I have a fever, all my limbs are heavy, thinking is hard, I have the classic dehydration headache (as opposed to my other “screw you alergies” migrate), and overall just bleh. The weird part is I don’t have an appetite; I had to force myself to eat enough lunch and dinner. Physical activity seemed like it would make my body implode even more than it currently is, so I avoided it. I definitely spent too much time outside in the sun (it shows in my terrible-looking farmer’s tan too).

Anyway, game results: we only won our very last game in the tournament, clutching that sweet sweet 11th/12 place. Maybe I’ll talk about Wilson, the team that crushed us and probably won the entire thing, tomorrow.