Whops: the unnumbered

No, I haven’t been asleep since I last posted. I just forgot to post. Again. Yes I’m bad, thanks for asking. Making habits is hard.

Anyway, today’s topic: DRM. It sucks. I realized I’ve been trying to break it in a completely selfish way, but still, c’mon, please just yield to my halfhearted googling attempts already. I think I’ve got the full file (probably not, it was something stupid like removing the “Range” header on a request whose only authentication was in a temporary token and hmac included in the URL), but there’s a bunch of audio decoding errors after the first 10 seconds. Another stupid python script to get all the individual bits failed spectacularly (I think there was an extra bit returned by the server that complicated things? idk).

So yeah when people talk about how unhackable stuff like WideVine is, they really mean it. I was probably too lazy to even get to the part where encryption is a problem! Anyways yeah today I again learned just how much I don’t know.