
I’m not entirely sure how I keep forgetting to post. I wasn’t that tired when I fell asleep. Or so I thought, before I ended up snoozing for 11 hours straight. I guess that means I maybe caught up on the sleep I missed during the ANGP on Saturday. Maybe not, thought, and now I’m used to just used to waking up late. Hmm.

Idk if I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but I, like most humans, absolutely adore sleeping. I’m reminded of one meme where someone says, “You’ll spend about 1/3rd of your like unconscious, unable to do anything except think about things you have no control of. And the best part is, that’ll be your favorite part.”

That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but still, you’d think sleep would be useless. My classmates most certainly do. One of my particularly sleep-deprived friends measures his “sleep deficit” from 6:20hrs a night. And his chart still went into the red. Personally, I’ve found sleep to be like a secret weapon for learning things fast, better than staying up to study in fact. Not that you shouldn’t study at all, you most certainly should, but like after a certain point you’ve reviewed all that you can and sleeping on it and being well rested for the test the next day is the better option.

Anyways. I hope I’m both able to break my current summer habit of late to bed and rise and shift it to early, as well as keep that up in college. We’ll see.