Elementary School Reunion

Yup you read that right. My elementary school had a reunion party tonight to celebrate our current graduation from high school. And I went to it.

It was actually pretty fun. I had one friend, son of a family friend, who I had kept in touch with, but that was pretty much it. The rest I had never reached out to again (it was 5th grade in 2012, idt we had phones yet), let alone remembered. I was probably the worst there are remembering names and faces, so I’m grateful to my friend for busting out the old 5th grade yearbook and giving me a tour.

Most of them went to the same or a nearby high school, while I had moved in for just 5th grade and moved out the year after. I was an antisocial little kid, only making a few friend and sticking to them. Still am, come to think of it. I emphasize the point of having Friends, but in reality my mind just goes blank when I talk to strangers. I can think of anything to talk about, don’t know how they’ll react to what I say at all if I do say something random, and yeah. A couple people were nice enough to make conversation, girls even, and I got to meet up with an old friend who I’ll keep in touch with now again, so I won’t consider the night a complete waste. Plus the free Mexican was nice.

Anyways yeah if this is the first post you read, uh, I’m sorry, but a lot of the rest of the blog is like this. Check out the projects section if you want something a bit more professional.