Something about Doctors idk

Got caught up on my Meninngococcal vaccines today. The bruises still hurt, as per usual, but I think in another 48hr I’ll be completely fine. The lady doing them was still in training but she was very nice. She talked about how she, at one point, worked full-time (60hr week!) while also going to community college full time, only quitting when work made her move 2hrs away from college! She said at that point she had already given up on sleep but the extra commute made it impossible. That’s hardcore, and again reinforces how lucky I am and how easy I have it. She’s now working for the medical center and taking online classes over the weekend to finish off her degree.

Oh yeah now I remember why I wanted to talk about doctors. The replacement one I had was a real kook, no better way to describe him. He seemed to be around 70, had a killer white mustache and beard, and constantly cracked pretty bad dad-jokes (I could keep up with his torrent, even firing a few back). He certainly knew what he was doing though, and fortunately the checkup went flawlessly. Turns out I am a healthy boiyo with no health problemos. yey. Let’s keep it that way.