A good day

With everything extremely sore, and feeling quite weak from the large immune response the vaccine yesterday prompted, today was not set to be a good day. But it was anyways, I’ll tell you why.

Today was the last day I set foot in my high school for a long while probably. I handed out thank-you notes to my favorite teachers, got to talk for an hour with my favorite-est teacher, and generally re-feel that nostalgic feeling of loving something but knowingly you are lettting it go but promising to never forget all the good times.

I also got to experience that mystical feeling of “flow” you get when you lose all track of time doing something you really love. For me today it was programming and art. Both sedantary activities, yes, but with my body screaming “no” to simply existing I didn’t want to risk it. When it got really bad (around noon) I just loaded up a few glasses of water and binge-watched 4 episodes of RWBY volume 6. Good show. Later, after programming but before art, I made dinner with my mom and sister. That was fun.

Anyways yeah it turns out mild physical discomfort can be mitigated by doing fun stuff. yey.