Morning vs Night

American culture certainly seems to favor staying up late. I can’t count how many times my friends bragged about staying up until 2am to finish a project. I can count how many times I’ve heard of someone getting up at 4am to do something, though: one. My ultimate frisbee captain last year would apparently wake up early to do homework and lift weights, and it showed. He was ripped and getting all the good grades.

Maybe that case can be attributed to night owls being more braggadocious than early birds, but still. There’s something about staying up late that’s easier for most people and looked on as the cool thing to do. Not me, unfortunately. At 10pm, right on schedule, it feels like my brain shuts down. Sometimes even before that. I go from moderately productive to a tired, forgetful, blathering mess. It’s partly a mental block but I really cannot stay up late very well. I would much prefer to get up early, where I can wake up more as I do more stuff. For me, at least, waking up at 7am vs 9am gives about the same level of exhaustion later in the day, only in the first case I have two more hours to do stuff.

So, uh, the point is, I didn’t really enjoy writing these posts at 10:30pm every night so I will try to write them in the morning instead. We’ll see how it goes. Sorry for slacking off since the end of vacation; unlike art, I didn’t immediately pick this habit (or Duolingo D:) back up.