Fighting off disease

Well shoot. I remember feeling exactly like this the last time I was vaccinated (1 month ago) but it always is a shock to feel just how bad it is. My shoulder is stiff, my joints ache, and overall I’m feeling super tired. (Man, just like an old man, huh?). I know I’ll come out the other side stronger and more disease-resistant, and wouldn’t even consider dropping vaccination, but still, why’s my body have to be so bad when fighting off disease?

That’s an easy question: when your body does fight off disease, the best thing for it to do is convince you to do is to expend as little energy elsewhere as possible. That means aches and pains to prevent physical movement and exhaustion to prevent mental exertion. Really, quite logical. It also makes perfect sense that when fighting off a disease analog that, mind you, whose whole purpose is to trigger the immune system so your body will react in the exact same way. The higher order functions of the brain simply can’t do much about it.

And here I am, lying in bed, rationalizing why I haven’t moved yet. Time to get up, I guess.