Haskell Packages are Pretty Ok and Other Ramblings

After writing the code for my previous blog post, today I put it into a separate Haskell package so my code doesn’t smell too bad anymore.

I also fixed a small CSS error that caused the font size on mobile to be waay too big. Forgot the . in 1.8rem *facepalm*.

Oh yeah I also installed a LaTeX package so now I can do cool stuff like

f(x)=1x2f(x) = \sqrt{1-x^2}

while writing these posts. Which will hopefully be useful in the future as I talk about math at school more although I don’t know how much I’ll be able to post then as I have both a heavy course load and two small part-time jobs that add up to a fairly substantial part-time job.

Also you might be thinking, “Jack you have only posted about this darn blog for the last n days, isn’t it time to write about something else??” To which I say, yes, you are absolutely correct, it’s just that I usually write these posts right after working on the code for the site generator so that’s usually what I’m thinking about at the time lol. We’ll see what happens after I stop work on the backend and actually get to a “post grind” lol