So, as you may know from the about page, I am starting my sophomore year at Carnegie Mellon University this fall. As you may have guesses from the context of this post and the state of the world in general, this semester will be entirely online.
It’s not all bad. I get to stay with my very nice family (who were very cooperative during my work from home for Aerospace) and eat good meals and be in a house nicer than a college dorm and have a car and dogs. However, I do lose the in-person experience of hanging out with fellow college students & teachers.
The scales there are definetly tiped towards appreciating my current situation, but I do sincerely miss spontaneous interactions with friends. Don’t tell anyone but there were two girls I was trying to get to know better and it might be awkward to just pick it up again with them after all this time but idk, I’ve never done stuff like this before.
Anyways enough virgin-ranting and more talking about real Plans, the title of this post.
I’m taking 5 classes (~50hours/week), working part-time (~5hours/week) as a university tutor, and also working part-time at Aerospace (~5hours/week).

Oh yeah and I also plan to keep working out & doing any other hobbies that keep me sane. So my work’s cut out for me, that’s for sure. I’ll definitely have more to say about that once it all gets going.