Cool Videogame: Skullgirls

Here’s a videogame I’ve been playing a lot recently: Skullgirls (warning: some of the characters have… questionable clothing, so only click the link if you are not at work).

It’s the first fighting game I’ve played, and as it turns out it’s actually very beginner friendly. The tutorial is set up to bring you from knowing nothing about the game into being fairly ok. Some of the harder tutorials require a lot of grinding (looking you at 3-4 and 4-7) but are so worth it for knowing how to do the timing for more compilcated combos.

As of now, I’ve completed the entire beginner tutorial and two of the character-specific combo tutorials for Filia and Big Band. I am still nowhere near the level needed to compete online, however. I’ve also watched a lot of professional gameplay and studied other game techniques.

The most other effort I’ve put into a game like this have been for (checks Steam library) Kerbal Space Program, Factorio, and Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. This sort of reflects my changing tastes through the years, moving from building games to fighting games, but I still do like those old games and no longer play them kinda only because I’m a little worn out from them.

One of my friends also plays Skullgirls, although he’s not quite as into it as I am. I think it’s good to have a hobby that’s purely for fun to enjoy with friends, even if most of my time spent on it is improving my own skills in training mode instead of playing online. I hope to find more people at CMU that also enjoy fighting games and potentially get good with people at Guilty Gear Strive once that releases.

Anyways I didn’t write about Hakyll this time, that’s because I worked on another programming project today. I think I’ll post about that tomorrow. See you then