Online Identity

[insert joke about japanese “three faces” or native american “two wolves” idk]

So do I have two faces?

I would say yes, actually. “Jack Duvall” is one of them, and ”█████████” is the other.

Wait like multiple identity disorder??

No, just my online presence :P

It’s been like this for a while now, me having multiple separate online “faces”. There’s a professional one (including this blog, however unprofessional it may seem), and one much less tied to my real-life presence. However, if you know the other one, you will probably still be able to find this one. Maybe. I haven’t tried too hard to doxx myself really, but apparently some people at my school have been able to put 2-and-2 together when they knew both.

Are you going to tell what the other “name” is?

I have redacted the name because I am still not comfortable tying the two together. It’s not that I am ashamed of either; rather, I’m proud of who I am in both regards. To me, there’s something fun about not having people know who else I am. It allows me to feel in full control of my identity, which is liberating. There are things I can do and say without fear of how it would impact how people see the other me, the physical one who needs to get hired and network and boring stuff like that.

It sounds like you are very attached to this other identity

Yup. In fact, I have purposely avoided using the term “true self” or “real self” because I’m not sure which one that is. Sometimes I’ll feel like Jack, and other times I’ll feel like █████████, and all the time I’m still myself. The identities are similar enough that usually it doesn’t matter. I have the same core values, just different expressions of interest, different speech patterns, and different responsibilities. Both can be my true self at different moments and that’s ok.

Sounds like you’re a Furry

I don’t know where you got that impression :3