But I'm Still Here

Hi. It’s been a while.

This week has started off less busy than usual, but it’s still almost to the point of unmanageability. Not yet though. I’m still trucking.

Artober has been a bust. I ended up completing 10 drawings, and severely lack motivation to finish more. It wasn’t the prompts, I liked the prompts, it was the falling behind and eventually dropping out of the habit.

Math and Computer Science homework has been going very well, feeling good making very clever solutions to these problems. But I sort of want to do other stuff besides just Math and Computer Science homework, ya know?

What Would Be Really Fun (right now at least)

When I’m bored but don’t really have time to kill, I’ve been browsing The Mizuumi Wiki, a wiki for niche/indie fighting games. I found it by looking up resources for Skullgirls (last mentioned here), but I clicked on the sidebar for other games and found a lot of fun, weird, and interesting things.

So basically, I think it might be fun to contribute to that a bit. You know, just find a fighting game that hasn’t been touched a lot, figure out its secrets, meditatively record footage of different moves, simple stuff. Not that I have time for it right now.

Other Games

My friend also shared some other cool fighting games with me: Vernal Edge and Decline’s Drops. Both have Smash Bros.-like combat while actually being a standard 2D platformer, which I think is a really interesting concept and could actually work. Both of these demos are free, and I definitely plan on trying these out when I have the time (which I do not currently).

Anyways, that’s all for now. I wish I could talk about what I’m doing on homework more but that’s a little of an academic integrity violation to post solutions and stuff (which is kind of the only reason why I would talk about it). Maybe I can talk about the CTF club I’m in next time?