Happy Pi Day!

At 4:32PM today, it was 3/14 15:92, which is approximately π\pi. Very neat.

Don’t have too much to talk about so have a grab-bag of things which I think are pretty cool:

My Friend’s Blog

Just getting started, but has a really good first post! https://williamoconnell.me/blog/post/magic-pirate/

Someone Else’s Blog

jez.io has some cool posts too. I forget how exactly I came across this blog, but it’s pretty good too.

A CV Project I’ve Done

This was for class, doing some (non real-time) AR composition:

The Kung-Fu Panda trailer is composited onto a textbook cover
Yes it is very shaky, no I'm not entirely sure why (probably because the homography computation was unstable, wasn't sure how to fix before the deadline).