My Mile Time

I ran my first sub-6 mile today, a 5:59! I had no idea I could do this!

A bit of background: the captains of the Mr. Yuk Ultimate Frisbee team (which I am a part of, and is still running practices despite all games being cancelled) posted a challenge in the group Slack. If anyone could beat their 5:50 mile time, the speedster would get a special prize. While I wasn’t expecting to beat their time, let alone come anywhere close, I thought it might be fun to try because I haven’t run a timed mile since Sophomore year of high school, when I ran a 6:43.

One reason I may have improved: Since last summer, I have been running every week. At first it was just simple Frisbee track practice drills to keep my stamina from last year, then it was training with my brother and his actual track coach to improve speed and sprinting form, and now for the entire spring semester I have been working on distance runs, slowly pushing from 4 to 5 to now almost 6 miles as my last run.

And this is all on top of other weight training I do. I am probably at my current peak fitness, even counting Junior year of high school when I was doing wrestling practice 6 days a week or Freshman Spring of college when I could (just barely) play 6 frisbee games in 2 days.

This feels good. So good, in fact, that I remembered my blog and also that I forgot to post last weekend. Oh well, I didn’t have much to write about anyways except for more cool CV projects.

bunny rendered with a "hot" color palette