Artober Challenges

TL;DR - So among other things, I am participating in a very strange Artober challenge titled “Cringetober” and I have not posted for a while mainly due to an overwhelming amount of homework and other responsibilities.

Origin of Artober

Before talking about the art I’m doing, a little history is due. As far as I understand it, in the years before 2020, there was an art challenge known as Inktober that started off small but quickly rose in popularity. The basic premise was that, every day, there was a new prompt for doing a simple inked piece of art. You could make your piece really simple, or really complex, and tag your piece with #inktober and everyone would love it.

Later, however, the guy behind the original challenge started using his copyright to take down artbooks that people had compiled (of their own art!) that used “Inktober” in the title. This caused backlash in the art community, being seen as unfair, so this year people started to boycott Inktober and instead do an assortment of other daily art challenges for the month of October, collectively referred to as Artober.

The Challenge I am doing

There are a multitude of Artober challenges, and the one I picked was titled “Cringetober.” The prompts are all things that reference strange internet culture, and I liked it because a) I like strange things and b) the expectations to produce good art based off it is not very high.

Combining this with my friends’ suggestion of doing daily 1KBWC cards, I have produced quite the set of cursed images. (I think I last mentioned 1KBWC here? not sure though, I should do a full write-up if I haven’t already). Again, I don’t think they count as high-quality art, but I like them for what they are (very strange) and I like doing them. It’s a nice break to just not care about responsibilities for a little bit and make in-jokes for my friends to enjoy.

Geez dude you haven’t posted for a while

Ya ik. I keep meaning to but keep getting distracted. I only remembered to do something now because I have a free hour, exhausted other entertainment options, and really did not feel like doing more homework. Free hours are rare but it’s good to get thoughts down every once in a while. I’ll maybe update this post with the official Cringetober prompt list if I can. Until next time then!